Board of Directors

The Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation (NPSDC) Board of Directors currently consists of the following volunteers:

Angela Nahwegahbow


Angela Nahwegahbow is a member of the Whitefish River First Nation.

Angela is honored to participate with the NPSDC Board. While growing up she lived in a Native Housing unit in Espanola. As a tenant Angela gained an appreciation for the work that the NPSDC does by providing safe and affordable housing to First Nations people.

Angela was a volunteer Board Director of Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation from 2000 to 2005. She served in the positions of both Vice-President and Treasurer over that period of time. Angela joined the Board again in 2011 and was appointed as President in 2014.

In the past, Angela worked for the N'Swakamok Native Friendship Centre  and  the Elizabeth Fry Society. She was also was a teacher of grade 2 students at Peetabeck Academy at Fort Albany, a fly in community on the James Bay coast. Angela is currently employed as a social worker with Shkagamik-Kwe Health Center in the Four Directions Mental Wellness Program.

Angela earned an Honors Degree from Laurentian University in the Native Human Services program (1999-2003), a Bachelor of Education (Primary) from Nipissing University (2004-2005) and a Masters of Social Work degree from Laurentian University (2013-2018).

Angela spends her personal time learning about traditional plants and their uses. Painting and crafting are occasional past times, but her favourite is baking and cooking.

Candice Martin


Candice Martin was born in Geraldton, Ontario. She lived in Sudbury while attending post secondary school and now resides in Kingston where she is a medical student at Queen's University.

Candice previously owned/managed and repaired a triplex. She volunteers her time with many organizations advocating for Indigenous causes.

Besides volunteering with Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation beginning in 2020, Candice is a volunteer with the Canadian Federation of Medical Students, Queen's Native Students Association, Aesculapian Society, and Loving Hands Kingston. She previously volunteered for immunization clinics, student governance at Laurentian University, rallies for Black Lives Matter, and mask making when COVID first started.

Candice earned a college diploma in Health Sciences at Cambrian College, a diploma as a Pharmacy Assistant through CTI college, qualification as a Primary Care Paramedic through JIBC Institute, and a Bachelor of Arts in Biomedical Biology from Laurentian University. She is currently working on a Doctorate of Medicine at Queen's University.

Candice believes that Indigenous-specific housing is required to address the housing crisis disproportionately experienced by Indigenous People, and that the Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation Directors of Indigenous heritage are positioned to understand the unique problems faced by tenants.

Most of Candice's days are spent caring for her child, studying and with volunteer work. When she does have free time Candice enjoys reading, crafts and spending time with family & friends.

Gordon Mills


Gord Mills was born and raised in Moose Factory, Ontario. He travelled south to attend school and afterwards enjoyed a career of over 30 years working with both the Federal and Ontario governments. Gord now resides in Sudbury.

Gord was a Probation & Parole Officer where he fine-tuned his counseling, referral and interviewing skills. He was also a Parole Board Member where he helped to analyze cases and make decisions. In addition, Gord was a senior Policy Advisor where he developed policies and procedures.

Gord has volunteer experience with several church boards, Carlin Housing Co-operative, and halfway houses for offenders and addicts. His education includes a Bachelor of Arts in Law & Justice from Laurentian University, and a 3 year theology diploma.

Gord explains that he is recently retired and (as of 2022) he volunteers with Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation because both his mother and brother were previous tenants of the corporation when they were in need of housing. As such, he wishes to give back to the corporation for the services provided to his family in the past.

Gord has been married for over 40 years. In his spare time he enjoys spending time and playing with his Grandchildren--and Gord loves to make people laugh!

Mark Kuhlberg


Mark Kuhlberg is a Full Professor of History at Laurentian University. He has been a volunteer in his community for over 40 years, and has worked on First Nations issues for over twenty. Mark joined the Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation Board of Directors in 2019.

Eric Nahwegahbow


Eric Nahwegahbow was born in Little Current and currently resides in a Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation housing unit. He has been a Board Director since 2019.

Eric was a Building Manager in the Northwest Territories, and is also a past Board Director for Native People of Nipissing Housing Corporation in North Bay, Ontario. He has  experience working with Outreach Foyer Notre Dame (Sudbury), the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre and the Union of Ontario Indians - Anishinabek Education Institute.

Eric has family who lived in Native Housing in the past. He wants to do his part to help the corporation and others in need. In his spare time Eric enjoys woodworking, helping family and spending time with loved ones.

Kevin Fitzmaurice


Kevin Fitzmaurice is the Truth and Reconciliation Coordinator, Office of Academic and Indigenous Programs / Director of Research, Centre for Research in Social Justice and Policy at Laurentian University. He is Professor Emeritus, University of Sudbury, Indigenous Studies and former Departmental Chair of the Indigenous Studies program over three terms.  He has been a Board Member and Treasurer with the Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation since 2010.  

As an allied scholar, Dr. Kevin Fitzmaurice has extensive experience in Indigenous research co-leadership, teaching and course development, and university administration.

Dr. Fitzmaurice is currently co-leading several community driven research projects, including: a national study on urban Indigenous self-determination and two Ontario based projects on housing and homelessness and Indigenous youth education. He is the Ontario Regional Co-Director with the ‘Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network’ (UAKN) and a Co-Investigator with the ‘Making the Shift: Youth Homelessness Innovation Lab (Sudbury/Timmins)’ and the ‘Maamwizing Indigenous Research Institute / Race Gender Diversity Initiative’. Dr. Fitzmaurice was also the Regional Lead with the 2021 National Centre for the Collaboration on Indigenous Education (NCCIE) as well a Co-Director with the 2011 Toronto Aboriginal Research Project (TARP) and the 2007 Ontario Urban Aboriginal Task Force (UATF). His areas of teaching and research specialization include Indigenous-Settler Politics and Law, Urban Indigenous Studies, Housing and Homelessness, Indigenous Critical Theory, and Indigenous Research Methods.

[email protected]

James King-Séguin

Non-Voting Secretary

James King-Séguin, Executive Director of the corporation also holds the position of  non-voting Secretary.

Membership Information

Anyone interested in becoming a Member of Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation can submit a letter of interest and a detailed resume to the attention of the Board of Directors for consideration. If the application is approved, a $2.00 Membership Fee will be charged. Members are advised of, and can vote at, Annual General Meetings and Special Members' Meetings.